Monthly Archives: August 2013

Close Your Eyes and Hold My Hand


49737761 Peter 1:8 “Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy.”

Eight months have passed since I last posted. Eight months full of ups and downs. Eight months I’ve debated on whether to write what I’m feeling or just stop writing at all. You see 2013 caught our family completely off guard with the shock of losing our 13-year-old god-son in January and my 74-year-old father two months later. Over these months, my emotional, mental and spiritual walk has been at extremes to say the least. I’ve delighted in the thin veil between heaven and earth and relished in the intimate relationship our Creator desires to have with us on a daily basis. While, at the same time, I’ve allowed my mind to be bombarded with doubts and despair, and I’ve longed to feel God’s presence in my spiritual walk. Believe me, this roller coaster hasn’t been an easy one to ride, but… God is faithful, and I’ve learned He does some of His best work when we are literally torn apart.

Three actions I’ve had to examine over these past few months are ones I thought I had, quite honestly, conquered in my relationship with God – trust, belief, and seizing hold of faith. I’ve learned how much these actions intermingle in our spiritual walk and how indispensable they are in the life of a follower of Christ, especially when you are faced with earthly circumstances completely out of your control. I’ve been reminded on more than one occasion that “faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see (Hebrews 11:1).” I’ve clearly recognized that faith is essentially trust and belief in action – blind action.

“Close your eyes and hold my hand” is a directive I’m given quite often from my 11-year-old daughter. So, I close my eyes and stumble, clinging onto her hand, knowing she has a great surprise waiting for me when I open my eyes. It’s a saying I’m sure many of you have heard in your life – “close your eyes and hold my hand.” I’ve come to believe over these past few months this is how God wants us to approach our life here on earth – to close our eyes and hold His hand. We try so desperately to see ahead – we anticipate, we prepare, and we plan. But, we are so very limited in our sight and in our knowledge of what lies on the path in front of us. We must give control over to Him. We must close our eyes and cling desperately to our Creator if we are going to survive this world. For as Jesus said, “in this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world (John 16:33).”

So, today, I encourage you to shut your eyes. Let go of your agenda and take hold of His hand. He has great plans for you and for your family.  And remember that when you finally open your eyes, you will have been led to the greatest surprise of all – face to face with our Lord, standing in our rightful home with our Father in Heaven, finally seeing everything from His perspective, with His eyes.

Until next time, eyes closed and hand clasped with our Creator… Katie